Matfest Bondensmarked 2021 Photo Ole Ekker 1987 51353692532 Ost

World Cheese Awards comming to Trondheim 26.-28.october 2023

This is a fantastic opportunity for cheese lovers to gather in Trondheim to taste the very best cheeses from all over the world.

The worlds best cheese for 2023 will be chosen among 4500 candidates.

You can reed more at and you can buy tickets here.

The cheesetown Trondheim

We work together with a selection of hotels and restaurants in Trondheim in the run-up to the Worlds Cheese Awards. See the overview of eateries with an extra focus on cheese during this period.

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Sign up as a volunteer

Would you like to contribute as a volunteer during this decade's cheese happening here in Trondheim? Read more and apply here.

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Registrer dine oster

We are developing a physical menu that will be available to the public during the Worlds Cheese Awards. To become part of the menu, register your cheeses here!

Menu registration