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Hogna Brygg

HognaBrygg is located in Singsås, an hour south of Trondheim. Here they sustainably brew craft beer with recycled brewing equipment, often using malt made in Trøndelag. They favor both traditional and innovative flavors, new and old recipes. Their motto is "The best beer is yet to be brewed!"

Show me the way

We will give you MORE taste, and preferably brewed on Trøndelag ingredients, beer as an accompaniment to both traditional and modern dishes. We were the first brewery in Norway to focus on canning as a storage medium from the first moment, for taste, quality and for the environment. Ola and Mike will give you everything from light lemon-fresh wheat beer, to full-bodied, chocolate-dark stouts, and preferably with local ingredients where the opportunity arises. Bonsak Bonsak Gårdsmalteri på Skogn is our supplier of quality malt from Trøndelag, they will supply any flavor we desire! More taste and fullness, but balanced, is Hogna's goal.

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